Sunday, February 3, 2013

NO, this is NOT "Ice, Ice, Baby"!

I was testing out a new bass a few days ago and absentmindedly played a famous bass riff that sounds great on a bass marimba. So I went ahead and arranged this classic, one that everyone is familiar with. I think it would sound sound pretty good under the mallets of a solid group.

Each soprano part can be split into two parts, as will be evident in the score. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving this arrangement, I am not as clever on the details perhaps as you who actually direct malleteers. Of course it could be sliced and diced and extended in any number of ways.

Just click on this page and it will open a window with the music playing and scrolling by:

Click to Play!
Here's the pdf:

Of course it is a copywritten song, so the payoff for performing it should be other than monetary.

Brent Holl, (of Orff fame and Beatin' Path Publications) must like this arrangement, he jazzed up my Finale file into a nice mp3 recording:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

This Just In from Sequim

Here is Five Acre School Explorer Class (older group) playing Isu Tauya Pano arranged by Walt Hampton at Sequim Prairie Grange, in Washington State, Jan. 26, 2013. Directed by Rosie Sharpe. Good Stuff!

Five Acre School Explorer Class